Conveyancing Cost Calculator (NSW)

SAVE Up to $1000 on your Conveyance.

Have you wondered how much money you can save by doing your own conveyancing?

Would you like to reduce the amount of conveyancing fees you need to pay?

The New South Wales Conveyancing Cost Calculator below will give a comparative break down of the costs involved. This applies to Sydney conveyancing costs, or for properties elsewhere in New South Wales. The use of our easy Quicklaw service will provide huge savings. We have made this tool freely available for use by the public (although note the disclaimer at the bottom).

If you are looking to buy or sell a property, have you considered purchasing one of our DIY Online Conveyancing Products? Why waste money on expensive solicitors if you can do it yourself? Our service gives you a cheap way to do your own conveyancing properly! Click here for information about our conveyancing services.

Select your state:  NSW | QLD | VIC

NSW Conveyancing Cost Calculator

Go to: Purchase Sale


New South Wales Conveyancing Costs Calculator

What is the Purchase Price of the property?

$ do not insert any symbols (eg $ or commas)

Is the property

Vacant Land

House & Land


Will this be the first property that you have purchased?

Yes No

(You must not have owned a home/unit before.  It is ok if you owned vacant land.  For more info see our Transfer Duty article)

Will you build a home and live in it within 12 months after settlement?

Yes No

Will you live in the property straight after settlement or within 12 months?

Yes No

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Conveyancing Fee

Quicklaw Online DIY Service*

Full Solicitor Service


Sundries (postage, phone etc)

PEXA Agent Fee (from)


PEXA Service Fee


Conveyance fee total

Searches (Optional.  Estimate only based on typical searches done.  Only actual cost of search outlay charged.  Cost varies from Council to Council)

TOTAL of Conveyance Purchase Costs:

$171.70 transfer registration fee also applies - normally paid to your financier.


Transfer Duty rate (Estimate only based on a Contract date 01 July 2024 or later.  For earlier Contracts, see our article on Transfer Duty .  Always confirm your transfer duty liability with the Revenue NSW.)

Total transfer duty is
Additional $20.00 fee for the transfer and a $20.00 duplicate contract stamping fee (note this fee is payable even if NIL duty is payable).


NOTE: Quotes are for standard residential conveyancing. Property value up to $1M.  Quote may vary if extraordinary difficulties arise.  Transfer duty is an estimate only.  Please confirm your transfer duty liability with the Revenue NSW.

Quicklaw has one of the largest online conveyancing networks in Australia.  Our legal group specialises in conveyancing, offering:
  • Fixed fee
  • 24 hour access
  • Superior customer service


Print out your Quote

Q. When should I proceed?

A.  Before you sign a Contract. 

your details and purchase our Online DIY Conveyancing


Want more info?  Click here OR phone us on 0414 250 067

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Queensland Conveyancing Costs Calculator

What is the Sale Price of the property?

$ do not insert any symbols (eg $ or commas)

Would you like an estimate of real estate agent's commission? Yes No

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Conveyancing Fee
(incl Contract)
Quicklaw Online DIY Service* Full Solicitor Service*
Sundries (postage, phone etc)
PEXA Agent Fee (from)
PEXA Service Fee
Conveyance fee total:

*Add $150 - $300 for search outlays.  Estimate only based on typical searches done.  Only actual cost of search outlay charged.  Search outlays vary from Council to Council

* Add $171.70 if their is a discharge of mortgage to released

NOTE: Quotes are for standard residential conveyancing. Property value up to $1M.  Quote may vary if extraordinary difficulties arise.


Quicklaw has one of the largest online conveyancing networks in Australia.  Our legal group specialises in conveyancing, offering:

  • Fixed fee
  • 24 hour access
  • Superior customer service


Print out your Quote
Q. When should I proceed?

A.  Before you advertise your property for sale. 

you details and purchase our Online DIY Conveyancing


Want more info?  Click here OR phone us on 0414 250 067

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The information available through the Quicklaw Conveyancing website may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. Quicklaw Conveyancing AND/OR its suppliers may make improvements AND/OR changes in the Quicklaw Conveyancing website at any time. Advice received via the Quicklaw Conveyancing website should not be relied upon for personal, legal OR financial decisions and you should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to your situation.

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