Queensland Conveyancing Costs Calculator
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must specify whether you have
prepared a Contract of Sale for the property
You must specify whether you need to pay vendor duty
You must specify a valid sale price
You must specify whether you are using an agent to sell the property
Conveyancing Fee
(incl Contract)
Quicklaw Online DIY Service* |
Full Solicitor Service* |
Fee |
Sundries (postage, phone etc) |
PEXA Agent Fee (from) |
PEXA Service Fee |
fee total:
Agents Commission
(at REINSW scale. Add GST (10%))
*Add $150 -
$300 for search outlays.
Estimate only based on typical searches done. Only actual cost of search outlay charged. Search outlays vary from Council to Council
* Add $171.70 if their is a discharge of mortgage to released
NOTE: Quotes are for
standard residential conveyancing. Property value up to $1M.
Quote may vary if extraordinary difficulties arise.
Quicklaw has one of the largest online
conveyancing networks in Australia. Our legal group
specialises in conveyancing, offering:
- Fixed fee
- 24 hour access
- Superior customer service