Calculating Transfer Duty (NSW)

What are Transfer Duty rates in New South Wales? Below is a copy of the New South Wales Transfer Duty Calculator available from within our purchased service. We have made this tool freely available for use by the public (although note the disclaimer at the bottom).

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Transfer Duty Calculator (NEW SOUTH WALES)


  • Type in the full purchase price (in figures) for the property in Item 1 below.
  • Indicate your residency status in Item 2 (Select from Options A, B or C).

Item 1.  Purchase Price:

$ do not insert any symbols (eg $ or commas)

Item 2.  Residency Status:

To receive the First Home Owners Concession at least 50% of the property must be being purchased by Buyers who have not owned a home/unit/townhouse before, and at least one of them must live in the property for a 6 month period within 12 months from completion. For vacant land you must have the intention of using it as your principal place.  Other strict conditions also apply.  See our transfer Duty article in the Quicklaw DIY Conveyancing service. You can also download information from the Revenue N.S.W. website.  If all first home Buyers are acquiring less then 95% of the property, the concession is reduced (i.e. the stamp duty will be higher).  If you are not eligible, then select Item A (Investment or own home (not first home) below.
If all eligible first home Buyers are acquiring less than 95% of the property their concession will reduce. In this instance you may wish to contact the Revenue N.S.W. to calculate the reduction in the concession

A.    Investment or own home (not first home)

B.    First Home Buyers assistance - House & Land

C.    First Home Buyers assistance - Vacant Land


Do not rely solely on our information about transfer duty or other government concessions as it is always changing and this information cannot fit every situation or cover every bonus/concession scheme offered from time to time. Use these pages as a base and always contact the Revenue N.S.W. before paying transfer duty to ensure that you are paying the correct transfer duty, and your eligibility for any concessions, schemes or bonuses on offer (whether with Revenue N.S.W. or other departments).

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